Friday, February 19, 2010

A sample of Gene repaints...

Gene Marshall is my favorite doll to repaint. She has a face that can be molded with just a small addition of paint and shadow. These are some example of repaints I have sold. I have yet to paint the newer Integrity Genes and Madras. These are all from the discontinued Ashton Drake line.

Some of these were painted years ago and others are very recent. I may have painted over a hundred Genes but it never gets boring. She is a wonderful doll and quite easy to find on the secondary market now. Gene's man, Trent, is also included in the above pictures.

Some of these dolls were done as a commission while others were sold on ebay. Gene is also a doll that I have never tried to reroot. She has amazing factory hair that usually turns out soft and silky once washed and conditioned.

Gene's mouth is also nice for creating an open mouth look. Her eyes are just smooth enough to play with the dimensions. These and other qualities make her a repainters dream.


  1. To say you are an Artist does not come close. Your work (and it is far more than that) is stunning.
    They actually look alive. You are truly amazing.

  2. Amazingly glorious work! So I have a question. Do you need more discontinued dolls? I have a bunch. Thank you!
